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[ WAT USA ] SMILING IN USA EP.3 : Walk with us to Washington D.C.

Hello everyone! 

First of all, lets all put aside how long I have abandoned this blog and focus on the present *hides* : 
So... I am finally blogging again because it was our travel trip 1 year anniversary! :D 
Not really relevant but I presume that's okay heh. 

Our first destination for the USA travel trip was Washington D.C!
Because of the very same reason, we were all very excited and energetic throughout the journey! ヽ(^o^)丿Hence, it's worth posting here even after 378438141 days. Self-reassurance matters lol.


Hello people!

I'm here to officially announce that I'm back in M'sia for good  ∩(ω)∩
Well I said so since many humans popped the same question when they see me: 'Eh you came back already ah?'. To be honest, I was back since a few months ago *hides* 

The truth is, life has been way too good for me back then. Been constantly travelling around, without any significant commitments. Livin' the life, I would say. And I loved it.



Obviously I am still trying hard to maintain my blog, after a million years. Hashtag never give up HAHA.
Well I will leave my thoughts about that on an upcoming post, so here's one on Discovery Cove, people!

Proudly presenting :

But first and foremost, for those who have no idea what Discovery Cove is all about, 
which I presume it'll be the most of you who are reading right now ahaha! 
Here's a little piece of information about DC:

[ WAT USA ] Smiling in USA EP.1 : A little of everything!

YO YO YO WHATS UP EVERYBODY! *virtually blows all the dust away tsk tsk* 

I KNOW. I have not been blogging for almost half a year already (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻  *flips table* 
I am not even qualified as a blogger anymore. But trust me when I say I tried. I really did .__. 
Anyway I'm finally back from the States! No more excuses this time, I hope. 

Starting off with a new header which perfectly matches! Been designing my blog with illustrated snowflakes, animated snow all these years and finally I could use my very own picture! *tears of joy* 
I spent hours dealing with this so bare with me seeking for some credits here heh :D 

3 weeks in Kuching.

Hello everyone! 

First, I need to slap myself like a hundred times because I've not been an efficient blogger, not at all D:
Tbh, I've at least 50 pending blog posts but I obviously have time management issues gahhh.
*continues to slap self*

Anyway, I was back in Klang a month ago but decided to fly to Kuching once again, for no reason
Actually, it was for many reasons. Mainly because I believe in pursuing my own dream & happiness HAHA WHAT.